A collection of utilities designed to assist engineers,
accountants and environmentalists associated with the generation and application of vacuum in process
industries VacuGen provides engineers
with a large number of formulae in three spreadsheets. Many are
interlinked to enable complex calculations to be rapidly performed using
industry standard methods. This saves the time and inconvenience of having to
find and then set up spreadsheets to use the formulae... VacuGen could pay for
itself the very first time you use it!
VacuGen 2.0 is available for just £150
inc UK VAT
(£125 excl UK VAT)
Buy Now
Software Specification
The software comprises three multi-page
spreadsheets which are run under Microsoft Excel 2000 or newer.
A 30 day e-mail support service is provided.
The software comes with comprehensive electronic documentation and examples of usage. Customisable installation via state of the art
setup software.
Please note that Microsoft Excel is not supplied with VacuGen.
here to
down a non-functioning example of VacuGen Part 2 - "Vacuum Generation on Process Industries".
File size is 445Kb.
The functionality of each spreadsheet is listed below.
Vacuum generation for process industry
This part deals with the question of "What
is Process Vacuum". It provide basic knowledge and an introduction to
- VCB0 Basic vacuum - contents list
- VCB1 Parameters specific to process
operations in vacuum
- VCB2 Terms specific to vacuum process
- VCB3 Fundamental constants useful in
vacuum technology
- VCB4 Basic gas equations and laws
- VCB5 Safety aspects pertaining to
vacuum plants and their operation
2. Vacuum Generation in Process Industries
This part deals with the question "How to generate vacuum
effectively". Provides "codified experience" to assist the vacuum
engineer is specifying the optimum equipment.
- VG0 Vacuum Generation in Process
- VG1 General aspects of process vacuum
generation. Key
references on Vacuum technology are given
- VG2 Composition and conditions of
suction gas
- VG3 Saturation of vapour in gas
- VG4 Flow of gases and vapours in vacuum
- VG4.1 Calculation of pipe conductance
for any gas flow in pipes.
Streamline and molecular flow region.
- VG4.2 Conductance in Viscous Flow -
Pressure region 1000 to 1 mbar
- VG4.3 Gas flow in the medium vacuum
pressure region - 1 to 0.001 mbar. Intermediate or Knudsen gas flow.
- VG5 Friction in flow and pressure
- VG5.1 Calculation of friction factors
- VG5.2 Calculation of pressure losses in
- VG5.3 Sizing process piping and
selection of pipe components for single - phase fluids
- VG5.4 Calculation of pressure loss when
mass load and upstream pressures are known
- VG6 Vacuum plant design
- VG6.1 Selection of the vacuum pipe wall
- VG6.2 Collapse by instability of thin
cylindrical shells under external pressure.
- VG7 Air leakages in vacuum process
- VG7.1. Vacuum leakage determination of
a vessel or plant - isolated plant pressure rise with time.
- VG7.1.1 Establishment of a large leak
rate by pressure rise method - isolated vessel under vacuum
- VG7.1.2 Very small leak determination
and testing in small plants and components. Escape of refrigerant from a small
vacuum condenser and helium gas testing
- VG7.2. Air leakage values into vacuum
- VG7.2.1. Calculation of system air
leakage due to porosity and weld cracks.
- VG7.2.2 Calculation of leakages for
plant components
- VG7.2.3 Fluid leakage in a double
packed seal with cooling fluid
- VG8 Pump down - Evacuation of plant or
any vacuum system from atmospheric to the operating pressure
- VG8.1 Plant pump-down times
- VG8.1.1 Clean plant with negligible air
leakage handling gas at ideal conditions
- VG8.2. Vacuum Pump Sizing for
Evacuation of a Chamber
- VG8.2.1 Vacuum producer with two fixed
capacities and considering air leakage.
- VG8.2.2 As VG8.2.1, but additionally
the effect of the ultimate pressure of the second stage is considered
- VG8.3. Additional pump-down
- VG8.3.1 Use of Gaede's equation with a
pump speed curve (Pressure v Displacement/Pump Speed)
N.B. Application of above is pressure range from 1000 to 0.001 mbar
3. Vacuum Pumps and Vacuum Producing Systems
- Rough and Medium Pressure Range
This part deals with the process of selecting vacuum pumps. In particular it
is designed to assist the vacuum engineer answer the question "What is it
going to cost to buy the correct vacuum producer and operate it ?".
Deals with process operations (1000 to 0.001 mbar), as mainly used in
chemical, food, oil and pharmaceutical industries
- VPG0 Summary concerning Vacuum Pumps -
Rough and Medium Pressure Range
- VPG0.1 Composition and conditions of
suction gas
- VPG0.2 Saturation of gas/vapour
- VPG1.0 Details of water ring operated pumps
- VPG1.1 Water Ring Pumps Performance
- VPG1.2 The effect of the sealant
parameters on pump performance
- VPG1.3 Vacuum pump capital and its
utility costs
- VPG2.0 Liquid operated ring pumps
(other than water)
- VPG2.1 The effect of the sealing liquid
parameters on pump performance
- VPG3.0 Ejectors - Stream operated
- VPG3.1 Steam Jet Ejector Stage
- VPG4.0 Ejectors - operated by other
fluids than steam
- VPG5.0 Roots Pumps
- VPG5.1 Use of Roots pump in
combinations with backing pumps. Suction pressure to the Roots pump and
system outlet pressures are known.
- VPG5.2 Use of Roots pump in
combinations with backing pumps.
Suction pressure to the Roots pump is
to be calculated.
- VPG5.3 Approximate cost of Roots Vacuum
Pumps and pumping sets v displacement
- VPG5.1G Graphs of speed for pump
- VPG6.0 Dry Running Rotary Vane Vacuum
- VPG7.0 Rotary Oil - Sealed Vacuum Pumps
- VPG7.1 Rotary oil sealed pumps
- VPG7.2 Water vapour tolerance of oil
sealed rotary pumps
- VPG7.3 Water vapour tolerance of oil
sealed vacuum pumps with gas ballast
- VG8.0 Dry Multistage Pumps
- VPG8.1 Selection of dry multistage
- VPG9.0 Vapour Boosters
- VPG10.0 Condensers
- VPG10.1 Shell and tube vacuum condenser
- VPG11.0 Absorbers
- VPG11.1 Experimental water vapour
absorption at 1 mbar
- VPG12.0 Selection, operation and
capital costs of vacuum producing systems
- VG12.1 Vacuum pump system - component
capital and utility costs
- VPG13.0 Utilities of the vacuum pumps
- VPG13.1 General gas compression